Namun kita jauh di dunia sendiri
Kawan hidup ini umpama langit yang tidak selalu cerah
Kawan jangan biarkan dirimu
Oh! Kawan jadilah seperti si matahari
simple and true, what they say
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 3:06 PM 6 comments
~ social
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 4:23 PM 2 comments
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 11:13 AM 5 comments
heya. its been awhile since i updated my blog here. so many things r goin on rite now. and i dun really hav much tym for this. but today, i chose to giv myself a rest! nothing much to say, except that i'm being so so freakin worried after my last check up w my gynae. i'm putting too much weight. n the doc really made me scared. everyone except my parents n the doc were saying things like... "alaa.. normal la tu, n then u'll lose ur weight back"... but, but, since b4 preg and now 30weeks (approximately 7months) pregnant, i've already gained a solid 18kgs.... this is beyond normal, rite?!! (oh please tell me im wrong) how? how? how? what shud i do??? and the doctor kind of challenged me to gain just another 1kg for our nex visit which is.... this weekend!!! im so freakin nervous bcuz,.. i dun think i can achieve that. hu.. nasib la doc! i've tried my best thou... considering that i still havta eat for this little baby.. kalau tak, i dah naik turun gym dah skrg... n then terpk to join slimming program skrg... tapi takyah kacau perut.. just area2 yg lain jer kasik kurus... huhu. pastu my hubby ckp i dh mule nk ngarut.. huahua. d fact is, i'm super duper effing worrieddddd!!!! tapi kene makan sbb lapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! haha. emo kn? kn? yes, sy mmg emo! dan kepale angin! huhuhu.
to whom it may concern:
im very very sorry, awak terpakse tahan my kpale angin. i noe u've been extremely patient since my bad bad mood swing. thnx for coping w my kpale angin! i love you like no other.
okey2. enuff about the stressful part. mesti happy2 nk sambut baby. if not, baby pon kuar dlm keadaan stress, says hubby. sian baby mama... tak tak. mama tak stress. mama cool! ahaa~ so now, being in my third trimester, im getting bigger and heavier. and alhamdulillah, baby is growing fantastically. evrythng's normal. i can really feel her movements. at one point, mmg terbonjol my tummy dek her leg, or elbow or tgn. i dun noe. but it's amazing. an amazing feeling to see dat and to share the excitement with huby, and the rest of the family. for now, boleh dikatekn all the baby's essentials have been bought. excited ok! ade la tinggal a few things yg belum beli. tapi takpe we stil hv like 10 weeks to go shopping. insyaAllah. and well, well, i have a list of wishlist for my baby. tau, korg mesti perah otak nk kasik hadiah ape kt anak gue!!! ;PP bt still indecisive of whether to publicitize the wishlist or not. i dun noe, somehow, rase the idea of listing a wishlist ni mcm unnecessary. like, sukatilah org nk kasik hadiah ape kt kite kn.. bt sometimes org yg nak kasik hadiah, die tak sure nk beli ape utk kite, so at least we r giving ideas la kn... takde paksaan pon kn.. hehe. so, if say, i am about to release a wishlist, please noe that, those are the things yg i wud love to have la kn.... and so that u ppl my loved ones tak beli the things yg i dh ade... hihi.. perlu ke ckp psl ni? okey la. its just a thought.
Layan survey jap. i've been tagged in my FB by kak sara.
1. Would you get back with your last ex if you could?
nope. life has been super great now w my hubby. wudnt want to change it w anythng.
2. what shirt are you wearing?
a floral pink-grey top. used to be joy's. tapi die da tamau.
3. Would you kiss anyone on your friends list?
frenlist of FB? nope. my lovely galfrens terkecuali la.
4. Do you have a 'thing' for someone on your friends list?
nope! the idea of giving virtual LV handbag is nonsense! lain la real punye kn. huh.
5. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life?
tak ramai. sbb i seriously click je the 'confirm' column if ade friend request. gile! i dun realy fancy FB. haha. boring!
6. How many kids do you want to have?
as many as i can. insyaAllah. ameen.
7. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
yes, of course.
8. What name would you want besides the one you have?
never thought of any, i must say. tapi dulu2 tym men cikgu2 kt umah w my siblings, i duno y i always wanted them to call me 'cikgu liza'... hahaha... tak glemer btul!
9. Would you ever make out with someone of the same sex?
uhhh, dat's sick. nevaaaahh!!!
10. What did you do for your last birthday?
what did i do? i sat down, hoping for the best gift ever! ;PP
11. What's your main ringtone on your phone?
oh darling - the beatles!
12. What time did you wake up today?
uhh lmbt... im heavy la! and my body seems to be attached to the bed!
13. What were you doing two nights ago?
balik shopink baby's stuffs kt OU. penuh keta ooo. =)
14. Do you like having your hair pulled?
ohh.. when i had a really bad headache, that was wat my hubby did. n it worked!
15. Name something you can't wait to do.
cant wait for our bachelorette party this weeknd (minister suite, palace of d golden horses!) to celebrate ketamatan zaman bujang huda, adyra n dila. yeahhh!!!
16. Last time you saw your mom.
last nite. gossiping psl scandal kt ofishhh! haha.
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my bad attitude, my kpale angin, mayb?! huhu.
18. If you had $250,000, what would you do with it?
simpan dlm tabung ;P or mayb will do some investments. jadik modal bisnes yg ku impikn.
19. How long have you worked at your current job?
almost 2 years... bleghhhh~
20. Have you ever talked to Tom?
tom? i remembered this one Tom during junior high. kejar fathiyyah n i kt this one shopping mall tym outing. (i bet u pon tak ingt kn yah???) haha. wth? muke rempit gile, tapi name tom.. ahh. btw, we never talked pon ;)
21. Describe the underwear you have on?
u describe yours la, pathetic!
22. Last thing you ate?
IKO wholegrain biscuit for breakfast?
23.What's your favorite month?
December, always.
24. Your least favorite month?
25. What's the last piece of clothing someone borrowed from you?
Cant remember la. i think its my black inner lycra shirt, n my faded skinny jeans yg dah tak muat due to massive weight gained. lemak sane sini.
26. Who is getting on your nerves right now?
alhamdulillah takde. evrythng's pretty good now.
27. Most visited webpage., malaysiakini, harakahdaily, some blogs and yahoo! mail.
28. Last person you text messaged?
my husband.
29. Last person to make you Mad?
this guy in FMM, who made me come n go to shah alam twice in a day. erggg! and once, the next day. huu. thnk God evrythng is settled.
30. Would you take a bullet for your best friend?
well, apparently yes. hopefuly im wearing a bullet proof jacket and hopefully tadek sape la nk tembak my bestfriends... i love you guys!!
31. Favorite kind of drink?
air suam, fruit juices. no carbonated drinks anymor!
32. Favorite food?
the healthy ones. fruits.
33. Favorite dessert?
hot chocolate cake with ice-cream topping. yummy.
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 9:45 AM 1 comments