Oven Baked Herb Salmon
2 slices Salmon - beli kat carrefour yg siap potong
2-4 tbsp freshly chopped herbs - thyme or dill or parsley
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp olive oil
cara memasak:
panaskan oven 200F, campurkan herbs, pepper and salt, in my case guna 2tbsp parsley yg fresh dipotong and dlm 1 tbsp McCormick Dill sebab tu je yg ada kt dapur ni... hehe. then perap dgn salmon. campur minyak sikit. then put aside.
sapu minyak kt pan dan letak salmon. biar dalam oven arnd 40-45mins or until salmon flakes. dah siapppp!!! simple kan. sementara tunggu 40minit tu boleh ready kan homemade tartar sauce,,, campurkan sikit lemon and chilli sauce dgn mayonaise. OMNOMNOM...
chilli cheese fries recipe akan menyusul kemudian.... selamat mencoba!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Oven baked herb salmon Recipe
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 10:23 PM 0 comments
~ amalskitchen, chefathome, family, food, love, recipe, salmon
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Madame Tussaud, Amsterdam 2012
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 1:50 AM 0 comments
~ amsterdam, celebrity, family, love, Madametussaud, summer, vacation
Monday, December 17, 2012
Social network I'm Registered To
Assalamualaikum blogku!
My last update was on 18/09/2011.... Ehhhh Kesiannya heart&soul telah ditinggalkan selama setahun sebulan... Tskk tskkk... Tahu tak? Tahu tak? Banyak perkara yg berlaku selama setahun tersebut?? Menyesalnyeeeeeeeee!
Well, life is now 360deg changing! So maybe i'll introduce heart&soul to the new life im living in now... Klaka plak bace entry lama2 dulu sejak zaman berchenta... Omg maluuuuuuu! Tp nak delete sayang plak... So tahan je lah ehhhhh
Semua account i ada... blogger, facebook, twitter, instagram.. And the latest i just signed up was keek!!! Awesome pawsome sgt!!! Antara 5 accounts ni, yg paling super duper active is Instagram lah kannn!!! Y? Im a VISUAL person, after all. Orang yang amek or pernah terlibat dgn kaunseling sure paham, kan? Mmg sejak dulu zaman muda2 buat personality test.. Terbukti im the "visual" type... So yah... Instagram suits me perfectly! Thank God that when u upload instagram boleh set automatic keluar on twitter and facebook. So mcm guna 3-3... Tinggal blog je yg terbiar.... Siannyeeeeee..... And this awesome pawsome keek! Im still getting used to it.. Tak ramai malaysian yg ada keek... So mcm still hambar! Yg i follow hanyalah keluarga2 kardashian (hahahaha) sbb dorg yg active! LOL
Now lets just list down all my Social Network accounts (i need to re-organize coz everything seems so serabut now!)
www.amalinahanisah.blogspot.com - personal
www.ammara.com.my - business website
Megat Amal - personal (shared w hubster)
Ammara Hijabi - clothing line account
Ammara Boutique - clothing line fanpage
Twitter & Instagram
stormflower84 - personal
Ammaraboutique - clothing line account
Megatamal / stormflower84 - personal
Itu saja! I love you heart&soul
Till then, see u again soon
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 2:20 AM 0 comments
~ amalinahanisah, ammara, ammarahijabi, blogger, blogspot, clothingline, facebook, instagram, keek, personal, socialnetwork, solekbyamal, twitter
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Okey This Is Funny
Hye all. Hows raya treating u guys? Hope everything is food, erm i mean good!! ;)
While i was busy having raya family gathering, i received a link from a friend.. So i opened the link and found out something hilarious. OMG we are in ohartis.com!!! That is like the most kepochi-jage-tepi-kain-artis local celebrity website i've ever read.. Hahaha!
So check out my controversial picca here
Lawak di hari raya we call it.. Actually it's a photo of us (hubby n i) during an outdoor portraiture session with mukhrizlatif (a well-known photographer) some 3 years ago. He was being interviewed by ohartis, n then i guess he showed them his portfolio. :)
Selebriti kah daku??? Hehehehe. NOT.
Anyways, thanks to mukhrizlatif n hubby's friend, mashelmy for those nice photos. Still u guys are the best photog we've worked with. Now both are not under one roof anymore. Mashelmy is now www.piccalasso.com and moqh is www.mukhrizudey.com. Go figure!!! :)
And thank to oh artis too!! :D
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 5:06 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
44 days
Alhamdulillah... Dah cukup 44hari saya berpantang :) ya I know I know... Before habis pantang pon dah keluar2 and kerja2... And shooting2... Huhuhu... Tapi perasaan officially habis pantang adalah the best feeling ever! Honestly, this time around, I betul2 pantang for 30days... Makan lauk pantang, tak keluar rumah, pakai bengkung ikat, Mandi air lulur n etc. But after 30days dah relax sket... Maybe dah rase berani kot anak kedua ni...
Dan dengan cecahnye 44days... It's time for me to start my slimming regime... By eating healthy and working out! Alhamdulillah dah pun start...
To share with my readers, this is a simple homemade drink that can make you feel full for a long time... Boleh buat time breakfast and boleh jugak substitute this drink with dinner if anda nak kurus!! Hehe.

Namenye banana smoothie! Senang je. Campurkan sebiji pisang, 2 tablespoon oatmeal, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1 cup of fresh milk. Blend kan.... Hmm dah pun siap.... Nyummmmm! Silalah Cuba, memang sedap... Especially for those yg tak brape suke makan oatmeal begitu saja, anda juga boleh dpt khasiat dr oatmeal. Cube, jangan tak cube! :)
Sempena penghabisan pantang, hubby gave me theseeeee...

It's one of those Nike plus running shoes that I really really want to have one! Yayyy! Sgt2 teruja k... And mmg tak sabar2 nak workout, and both of us mmg sgt sgt teringin to join those marathons... But need to do lotsa practice... So belum ready. InsyaAllah one day :)
So we did our first slow jog yesterday afternoon. And discovered more cool stuffs, using nike plus with iPhone :)
It was a solid 3.5km slow jog... And all I can say is I'm so proud of myself... Because it has been awhile, and I doubted myself whether I can do it or not... But alhamdulillah hubby was such a great coach.

It's because of him that I managed to finish the targeted distance. Thumbs up to hubby! Yayyy! InsyaAllah will improve from time to time... :) thank you so much hubby for the most expensive running shoes I ever had. Hehe. Really appreciate it, and definitely will fully utilize it. Muahx!
- Posted from my iPhone
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 12:11 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Swaddling My Baby
Hari ni nak bercerita tentang "swaddling" or dalam bahasa melayunye "membedung" bayi... Kalau ikutkan zaman toknenek kita or even zaman makmak kite dulu, berbedung ni merupakan perkara wajib bagi newborn babies. Ada yang bedung sampai berbulan bulan sampai almost a year pun ada... But nowadays, ternyata dah berubah, eventhou ada yg masih mengamalkan, tapi not as strict as dulu... Bayi dibedung seketat ketat alam... Nowadays babies dibedung maybe at their first 2weeks sahaja... Hehe.
In my case, yes! I do swaddle my baby... But not all the time. Y? Kalau ikutkan tujuan berbedung ni sbnanye mainly adalah untuk
1) bagi the baby selesa rasa hangat macam time duk dalam tummy kite dulu,
2) bagi baby tak mudah terkejut, and dalam masa yang sama tidur lena je.. Tak ingat dunia :)

Ini gambar baby Megat youssef dibedung Lepas Mandi tadi pagi. Alolololo wanginye dieeeeee... ;)
So yes, I do swaddle my baby.. first, Lepas mandikan, To keep them warm... And lagi satu if I want to put them to sleep, especially malam, so that tidurnya tak terganggu... And memang terbukti, bila kita swaddle the baby, memang dorang tidur lena n selesa je nampak... I loikeeee! Tu lah time untuk kite rehat... :)
But nope, I don't do this all day long because baby tend to get rimas and merengek rengek nak keluarkan tangan, maybe sebab cuaca panas tengahari to petang... And ada kemungkinan jugak baby will get addicted sampai besar pn nak berbedung... Ini mengikut bacaan saya lah! And yes sometimes the baby tampak sgt enjoy bila dibiarkan bebas.
Tapi yang penting... Xde pulak terbaca kat mana-mana yang bedung ni berfungsi untuk meluruskan kaki baby, bagi tangan baby lurus ke ape ke... Ni semua kepercayaan orang dulu-dulu yang tak brape logik... Hehe, so untuk kite yang masih boleh pk secara logik Dan waras, jangan lah terbawak-bawak kepercayaan macam ni. Okey.
- Posted from my iPhone
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 27, 2011
It's a boy :)
11th june 2011. This story tak byk beza dgn cerita kelahiran puteri zara adeena 2 years ago... Kebetulan mmg lebih kurang sama prosesnya... :) Macam biase i went to my regular checkup at annur... Went for CTG... And found out that i have contraction every 10mins... Gynae checked and i was already 3cm dialated... That was around 1pm... So the gynae said dah boleh admit lah since bukaan dah 3. Tp boleh balik dulu n solat zohor, had a nice lunch walaupn hati dah dupdapdupdap tak keruan... Huhu... Then we came back at 4:30pm... Bawak hospital bag sume, and tinggal kakak zara with my parents (n they went to midvalley heuheu) Kami terus naik ward... Settle our stuffs kat bilik, nurse bagi ubat utk membuang segala yg patut dibuang... Hehe... Time ni tak rase sakit lagi... I mean the sakit was very mild... Tunggu2, dalam 5pm.. Dah boleh ke labour room... the bidan came, dah ade contraction every 4minutes and dah 4cm dialated... Bidan said dah 4 boleh lah pecahkan air ketuban... Grrrr... The bidan asked whether i nak epidural or not, of course I said tanak, bukan nk belagak ke ape (takde maknenye nk blagak) bcuz time kakak zara xamek, so why not try je lah harungi the pain... Lgpn I think as long as hubby's around, insyaAllah by his presence I can handle the pain.. The bidan siap mcm takut2kn pulak.. Saying that 1st labour x semestinye same la, nti if dh separuh jln I takleh thn dah takleh wat pape la... We are aware of that tapiiiii cuak jugak time tu... Manela tau kan, unbearable n tibe2 lemah smgt ke... Dah having 2nd thought dah time tu... Bt in the end we decided not to... Bidan pn akur je lah dgn 2org yg konon2 kental ni... Huhuhu... So, right before pecahkn air ketuban i received a call from kakak zara gune hp tok aa... She said "gud luck mummy" n "take care", of course my mom yg ckp, n she ikut... Auwwww terus rindu kakak zara time tu... So at around 7:10pm gynae pecahkan my waterbag... Dan bermulalah episod genggam menggenggam tangan hubby... This time around, I really felt the pain... I mean, it was more painful than I could ever recall... CTG was still running, but something was wrong bcuz I rase intense contraction but the reading said the other way round... Pelik n geram at the same time, Lepas tu we found out the strap yg attach to my tummy lose gila! Hek elee bikin stress saje, n then when bidan came, die tgk graph "ohh still mild contraction"... Dayhemmmm... Whatever... I dah rase sakit sampai I cannot mengiring anymore... (the bidan said, if nak kurang sakit, cube mengiring ke tukar posisi sket2) so I tried, tp mmg tak boleh dah.. Sbb I dah rase mcm nak terberrrry dah at that time... Kept waiting for the bidan to come n check... Tak dtg2... Huhu... (of course time tu asek nak tau je brape bukaan sbb sakittttt teramat amat).. Last2 hubby panggil and ckp I dah rase mcm nak bersalin... Rase nk kangkang je huhu... It was 8.20pm when the bidan came, she checked... And yes there you go... bukaan dh 10cm... Lalu she called 2 other nurses to prepare everything sambil berkata dgn lantang "dah full"... Haha... Okey, now is pushing time... Yeayyyy!! Haha time tu takdela ckp yeay, but sgt lega bcuz we're moving to the next stage... So now is activity teran meneran... I did a few teranans before the gynae sampai... The bidan was very nice, she ajar me how not to hv stitches afterwards... Since the "dinding" is lembut already.. If I made a nice n smooth "push"... N tak angkat my lowerpart, InsyaAllah I won't be getting any stitches... But grrrr... it's not that easy to control all at the sametime... When the gynae sampai, tibe2 smgt membara untuk meneran dtg... Dgn menggunakn sisa2 energy yg Ada... Bile disuruh "push"... Mmg teranan sekuat hati dilakukan, dlm 3-4push kepala baby pn keluar... Then Gynae said "ok hold, hold dulu, Tarik nafas n then push again utk keluarkan badan".. Takde maknenye I hold dulu... Tanpa dpt mengawal keadaan, arahan gynae tak dituruti Dan teranan terus dilakukan, tanpa "hold" huhuhu... Maka koyaklah sedikit, Dan dijahit dgn 2stitches... Huwaaa... Keluar lah bayi comel itu dgn tangisan yg kuat, memecah kesunyian... Jam menunjukkn 8:35pm. "it's a boy" tapi muke time keluar adalah sebijik muka kakak zara... :)
Kini, I am a proud mom of two.

Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 8:53 AM 4 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ramadhan kareem
Hye all! Just to wish u guys selamat berpuasa, dan beramal di bulan yg mulia ini... Marilah sama2 cari pahala k :)
Dh lame tak update, now I still have one child... Hehe... Belum tambah ye! Now hanya Ada zara saje! In case u r wondering! :) oh, btw... Congrats to all mommies of 2009 babies yg bakal menimang cahaya mata ke-2 this year / next year! Alhamdulillah rezeki... As for me, I'll just follow my husband's decision... Hiks! Ameen :)
Zara just turned 15months 4 days ago! She's a big gal now, hayhhh!
She loves to sing a lot... Her top fav is ee-i-ee-i-ohhh.. Repeat 80 Kali.. Hehe exaggerate!
She can say "mummy", "daddy", "nak", "kit" = sakit when she bit my nips while bf-ing huhu... she says "bubbye baby" instead of "bubbye" all the time... She says "nah" when she gives smethg, she says "dah" when she finishes doing smethng... She says "cat meoww" when she sees a cat... She will say her friend's name "mia" whenever she sees mia's photo... Hikssss! And I guess thr's many more words but I still cannot get it!! Zara is one very vocal young lady now.... I cudnt be happier! Hehe... Love u sayang!
She will dance kelamkabutly showing her bodyparts when I sing head shoulder knees n toes! Hehe.. Ntah mane2 je tunjuk.. Yg betul head n ears je! Hihihi...
She loves jumping tp belum master lg.. When I said 1-2-3-jump... She will henjut herself n satu kaki je terangkat then gelak excited!!! Haiya this girl! Heee... So funny...
Nw sgt clingy with her daddy! So very the daddy's lil girl... Nk Mandi ke jln2 ke mkn kt dining table ke... She'll say "nak daddy"... Heee... Sombong ngn mummy!! Nak susu je dtg kt mummy... Hehhehe
Kt shopping mall plak... She loves to walk freely! Tamau duk in her babybjorn or stroller anymore... When dh bg jln bebas... Jalannye bukan straight tp asek patah balik patah balik... Huhu so penat melayan baby besar mummy ni! Hehehe
Sleeping routine plak, semenjak world cup itu hari... Sgt Susah die nk tido awal... Huwaaaa... Dah elok2 baring kat cot... Tetibe bgn, n u'll hear her singing ee-i-ee-i-ohh out loud... Huhu... Pastu lagu lain pn ade gak but I tak dpt tangkap.. She jut created it I think... Hehe...
Oh and last but not least, she loves loves loves kissing so much! She kisses all her animal plush toys especially her puchwee bear! Yg Susah sket zara nk kiss is her parents... Sombong gituw! Kiss ikut mood je... Huhu... :)
Okey that's all for now... Sket2 psl zara ku syg :) n here's a photo of us... Latest one, b4 berbuka ptg td... (kt fb pn Ada.. Hihi)

okey then u guys! Hv a blessed Ramadhan! Semoga dpt buat terawih n bertadarus n buat amalan2 lain dgn jayanya! Ameennn (utk diri sendiri skali ni!)
Love n peace
- Posted from my iPhone
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 12:20 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
photos :)

Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 4:55 PM 3 comments