yerp, 10 days off since the office had fire + christmas holiday + awal muharram + new year holiday.... how did we spend our free time?? aha... nothing much really... since both my nieces were at our houz, so those two kids hav to be included in our plans... kalau tak pg mane2, we will just watch tv, n teman the kids swimming in the wading pool,...
Zoo Negara, Gombak
At first, we planned to go to the Rabbit Farm in Bukit Tinggi... but then, while on our way, lalu Zoo Negara... n secara automatic nye plan tertukar... off we go to the National Zoo.... melihat kpd kondisi zoo negara skrg takde la teruk sgt.. compared to zoo negeri johor yg aku n megat penah pg dahulu kale.. huhu.. dating kt zoo tu.. kahkah.. yg aku tak puas hati tu, tym aku elok2 jln ngn megat, ade lak burung dengki g berak kt atas kepala aku... (ni burung yg terbang bebas bukan hak millik zoo negeri) huwaaaaaaa.... smpai skrg la insiden tu jd bhn ejekan oleh huby... berak papaya plak tu... euww gile okey! nasibaik aku insan bertudung, kalautak.... habess... so pg la basuh tudung kt toilet.. isk isk.. benci benci.. haha. dat is considered as the most embarrassing moment ngn pakwe la dulu2... auww!! hiks~ kt zoo johor ni, harimau die kurus gile2... kesian tgk... mcm tak cukup mkn taw!! seksa je nmpk... poor tiger! haa, Zoo Negara is wayyy better than zoo johor i must say..., hmm.. dgr2 citer zoo ni akn diupgrade lagi for the year 2009. bagus la camtu... kasik lagi cun n menarik... br la worth paying rm15/pax. all in all, i think the kids really had fun.. n both of us were really exhausted melayan kerenah budak2 ini... bt njoyed ourselves as well... ;)
Sg. Tekala, Semenyih
Ini adalah aktiviti yg sgt last minute... dh nk dekat habis cuti, since dh tak larat to handle those very hyperactiv kids, we sent them home to their mum+dad. sorry kids! letih sgt dh jage korg... tp bile takde, rindu btul!!! so tinggal huby n i n bibik kt umah.. the rest of the family pg holiday kt yogjakarta n celebr8 nu year kt sane... yg dh kawen kene ikut suami ye.. kalau suami kate takmau pg jogja, takleh pg... huhu... my huby is very2 keen of saving money currently... since the baby is popping out this May, insyaAllah... hm.. hm.. the nite b4 br megat ajak g picnic kt air terjun berdekatan... i was like, hm.. okey... n i asked bibik to prepare nasik lemak in the morning... but stil tak decide which sungai.. ade byk gak la sg area2 langat tu... gabai la, congkak la, n etc... hehe.. but i dun really noe all the places n got confused sumtyms... so pg pg tuh, i packed the nasik lemak.. n kami pon kluar umah tanpa mengetahui sg mane yg hendak dituju.. pastu br la megat called his friend, fizi, tanye the nearest sg kt mane... so he said sg. tekala... terus la kami ke tekala... mmg dekat.. juz about 20-30 mins from our houz... tmpt die okey la, not that bad.. cume biase la, tempat2 cani kene pg belah2 atas br syok... so dgn gagahnye ibu mengandung ni trekking dgn huby smpai peak gak kot... yah, we assumed dat was the peak bcuz dh takde org dh kt situ... so kitorg pon carik la port baik, n built our tent up... n trus rase lapar n mkn nasik lemak.... huhuuhu.. mandi kejap, amek gmbr kejap.. pastu makan.. mandi balik, amek gmbr, then mkn lagikkk... rasenye aku bwk nasik lemak utk 10 org.. tapi habis jugak mkn berdua... hoho... such fattiessss!!! hahaa...
Ahaa.. tak tak.. aku tak pg concert madonna... this is Madonna's the Confession Tour DVD i succesfully finished watching during this 10 days off. Mr Ralph lent me this DVD like about 6 months ago... huhu... at last, i managed to return it back to him before new year. huhuhu... such a relief dpt pulangkn bende org yg dh lame sgt kite buat pekasam... iye, ini bukan sbrg org, ini boss aku... huhu... sorry mr. ralph, i enjoyed it so much, i watched it over and over and over and over again... haha.. tipu giler babe~ am not really a fan of Madonna, but since boss was so excited to lend me this dvd, he really did convince me yg dvd ni sgt2 gempaqq.. so, tak smpai hati nk tolak... so i watched, tapi stop2 la.. tak tgk direct, dats y la, smpai 6 bulan dvd ni kt aku... but i hav to admit, she was a tigerrrr.. really went all out in making a super great show.. i bet kt malaysia mmg takde la nk jumpe this kinda performance... tip top... quality at its best! tak rugi la tgk... body madonna tetap mantap eventhou he aged 50, okey. padan la boss suke.. hampeh! pastu boleh plak cabar aku to hav dat kinda body when i am 50 nti... siott.. dh la confidence level aku tgh rendah sbb tgh put on weight skrg.. huhu... well, u can do anythng when u hv the money... sbb tue la Madonna boleh, she's a filthy rich lady, mann!! haha.. but i noe she did workout like crazy to get those abs... bt i pesonally think she'd overdone her body... too muscular.. not my type.. ahuks! i mean, not the kind of body i'm dying to have one... no offense madonna! ;)
haih. aku geram betul tgk hanan ni tau
yerp sama. die notty2 cute gitu.. gerammm!
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