Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i've been tagged!

16 facts tentang dia! eh.. tentang aku la~

1) dilahirkn sangat bulat, tanpa rambut.. dan diibaratkn seperti bola yg boleh berguling2. Grew up becoming a small petite gal, dan kini kembali bulat kerna sedang mengendong bayi kecil berusia 6bulan di dlm perut, dan diharapkn seterusnya badan ini kembali normal dan bagus ya! ;)
2) kini kiwi merupakan buah harian aku.. at least sebiji sehari.. tu pn if mama tak pow, kalau tak 2 biji sekali. mmg sedap! nyum2.
3) aku mempunyai size family yg agak besar.. dulu tym kecik penah merungut why my parents lahirkn ramai sgt anak... like 6 of us? huhu. n 4 gals pulak.. n i used to be super duper envious w one of my primary classmate yg merupakn anak tunggal, haha. bcuz die takyah pn share pepe dgn beradik lain. namun skrg i realize, how pathetic it is to feel dat way.. bcuz nw d houz is really empty without you "little" gals; cfah, joy, nuha. huhu!
4) deep down inside my heart, sometimes i do feel extremely nervous & anxious about the things coming up ahead to the extend kdg2 tu mengadap my organizer secara lama juz to berangan and think about stuffs kt ofiss tanpa melakukn sebarang kerja. huhu.
5) semenjak akil baligh smpai skrg aku hanya mempunyai plusminus one year utk diri sendiri dan hanye diri sendiri, kerna tahun selebihnya saye ade boyfriend. huhu. (no good no good!)
6) i perasanly think that i am a total body-conscious! and definitely not self-conscious. self-conscious hanye utk mereka2 yg rase insecure and low self-esteem! ahahaha...
7) i am very grateful to have so many interesting ppl around me. i mean evry single person around me. each n evryone of you have your own special qualities. muahsx! thanks. and thank God.
8) aku ingin berhenti bekerja makan gaji n menyimpan cita2 utk menjadi boss company aku sendiri, bcoz i noe i hv what it takes to be a boss.. haha. tapi ntah bile akan tercapai. we'll see. yes, i am bossy!
9) penah dituduh obses dgn muke sendiri.. haha.. mayb yes mayb not. terime sepositif mungkin. at least aku tak obses dgn muke org lain, rite? =) aku juga pernah dituduh self-centred, dan merasakn sedikit sbyk mmg sifat tu ade dlm diri aku... ya! semua org ade kelemahan masing2, begitu juga dgn saya. eheh. cube berubah menjadi yg lebih baik setiap hari!
10) aku risau dengan keadaan jari jemari yg semakin mengembang, my engagement ring and wedding ring mmg tak mampu lagi dikeluarkn wpn dgn amount lotion yg byk.. takut kene potong cincin, bcuz obviously takkn nk potong jari... huhu. how eh?
11) byk yg melihat kehidupanku as 'perfect' or 'almost perfect'.. aku bersyukur.. tp sbnanye tidak la seperfect mane pn. mayb im jz good in hiding my flaws.. yeah, manede org suke tunjuk kelemahan diri sendiri. itu loser namenye! uhuhu. but tunjuk kelemahan utk memperbaiki kelemahan is definitely a good thing. ler, apesal lak aku nk kasik nasihat kt sini? hm, pardon me eh.
12) masih terkenang kn ngigauan huby mlm td... ntah knape die ckp "im sorry" version si participant raja lawak mamat kelan tuh... euw! hahahaha... tue la, kutukk lagi.. kan dah ngigau!!!
13) i dream of having lotsa lotsa kids... insyaAllah... wpn aku sedikit degil, hopefuly anak2 aku ikut perangai daddy die yg tak degil, sopan santun, rajin dan baik hati. hikshikss.
14) pernah mengalami seksual harrassment oleh kaum sejenis... ohhhh! panas panas!!! (oh adekah ini tak patut direveal?) tapi ini mmg benar... inilah akibat terlampau baik dgn org yg tak sepatutnye. poor her. sibaik die insaf and minta maaf. from that very moment, kita bukan kawan lagi, okeh! (for further details, pvt msg me! ahuhuks! ;P)
15) still searching for the perfect name for our lil baby in my tummy... insyaAllah the due is somewhere in May. sesape yg punya cadangan silelah kemukakn ya!! the name must be unique, beautiful, and semestinye with a good meaning! thnx =)
16) ini adalah first time aku layan tag... haha. thanks to zati kerna mengerahkn aku utk layan tag ni eventhou macam dh lame kau suruh! ahuks! akhirnye berjaye jugak aku list down fakta remehtemeh tentang aku..

okey, pen off.

Friday, February 20, 2009

all i want is you

Lyrics Barry Louis Polisar - All I Want Is You lyrics

This song reminds me of the situation when hubby and I were very busy preparing for our wedding... hehe.. eventhou i juz knew this song from the muvie Juno (ohh i heartttt this muvie!!), tp suasana tempoh hari amat sesuai dgn lagu ini... hihikss.. so i assume je megat konon2 dedicate lagu ni kt i.. boleh ke camtu? hehe.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bubbye-ing Joy

Finally terbanglah sudah Joy ke bumi OZ after 8months of waiting... Bubbye joy!! we'll miss you for sure... one way or another, u'll leave quite a gap here.. of course la kn.. juz imagine how big you are... ;) All the best to you. study rerajin, grad ni join kami all the CEOs of pidmams! ak.ak.ak... luv xoxo.

Monday, February 9, 2009

inside my womb

my 23 (plusminus 2) weeks bundle of joy...
thnx for consistently moving sayang...
waking me up in the mornine...
and being a sweet lullaby during the night...
love, mama
(auwww!! janggal for addressing myself as m-a-m-a)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Holidae Updates

WEEKEND RETREAT at Istana Kudakuda Emas
Wah, sgt dekat to our house percutian kali ini... just a breath away la org kate! Percutian 2 hari 1 mlm ni disponsor oleh baba... takde pape sgt yg dilakukan kecuali mkn2, minum2, jln2, rehat2, tgk tv (yg juge boleh dilakukn di rumah) dan berposing-posing smbil di ketik2 cameranya (yg juge boleh dilakukan di mana mana)... istana kudakuda emas ini mmg cantik.. kalau boleh evry detailing kt tempat ni mesti ade gambar kuda... sangat taksub dgn kuda owner istana ini... thank you baba!!! xoxo.



After all the blood tests and observations for almost half a year, the goitre (sized as big as an orange) at nenek's neck was succesfully removed... Thank God she's now able to talk + eat as usual... Alhamdulillah....

Get well soon, nenek!


while waiting for nenek yg sedang berjuang di operation theatre, aku ternampak kelibat seseorg yg kukenali sedang menolak troli.. tak sempat mengeluarkn camre prosumer aku.. lalu, camre henpon pon jadilah... auwww!!! cube teka? siapekah die??
haha, inilah kwnku mizah a.k.a pharmacist yg bkerja di Hospital Putrajaya. bravo babe! bz gile keje kat sepital ni... tgk la.. tolak troli pon laju jer... ahuks~
okey, dat's all folks!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Shoe Fetish!

ya, for quite a while feeling like sorting out my shoes... heels, wedges, stilettos... just until now, i managed to get those things in order... and those in the photos are the shortlisted ones!!! other pairs looked like they really need to be in the dustbin.. so to the dustbin they went.... being the shoe fetish i am, none of those adalah Jimmy Choo, Aki Choklat, Christian Lacroix, mahupon Salvatore Ferragamo... obviously... haha... down here are the toppest 3 of my fav!!!
No. 1) since it is black... mmg plg favret and yg plg selalu pkai... selesa memakainya... harap maklum saye mmg tak selesa pkai flats... (bukan gedik, tapi serius tak selesa babe! trust me! i've tried!!) miss wearing you my no. 1!

No. 2) Casual wear bcuz of materialnya yg agak kasar.. sory la, my casual wear is still a 5inch heel... heuheu.... i love it. (diulangi, bukan gedik!)

No. 3) Top in my list but jarang2 pkai bcuz of the color yg agak daring... huby saye tak menggemarinye bcuz ia tampak agak tacky eventhough it costs me like almost 300bucks.

so since im not allowed to wear heels for the time being, yerp, only for the time being okayyy... sesape nk pinjam boleh la menalipun saye... my size is 6.

the idea of wearing clark n scholl sandals really makes me feel old... eventhou its kinda pricey, but i never liked d designs b4... mayb bcuz my mum wears them... huhu.. bt somehow, thank goodness the designs are really improving now... so takde la segan sgt i nk pakai... hiks!

currently wearing: clark 1.5inch sandal.

i really really really (times sejuta) misssss wearing high heels!!!! help!