sile hadiahkn "the bestfriend" utk saye.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
a real woman's bestfriend
sile hadiahkn "the bestfriend" utk saye.
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 11:07 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
weekend antenatal class & check up
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 4:17 PM 8 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
transformasi watsoeva
September '08
January '09
well for me, after 8 months, perubahan di wajah yg obvious adalah;
2) the eyes appear smaller than usual. dh la my eyes mmg kecik, since bahagian bawah pipi jd a bit chubby, so mcm mengecikkn mate la in a way. takleh buat ape da.. eventho terase lebih best memakai contact lens, for now most of the time xcept if ade special occasion, i'll be wearing my spectacles. now my eyes tend to get watery easily. thnx to huby, blanje me a new speck w transition lenses. luv u!
4) at certain period of pregnancy, akn tumbuh blemishes kt muke secare dahsat... bt this is normal due to hormonal changes i think... for me, during my first trimester dahsat jugak la at my forehead area... then i bertindak pantas menghadiahkn SKII utk diri sendiri.. thnx to me...
5) bad breath - weird kn? ape kaitan? it really happens.. but i read sumwer that it is very normal. it might be bcuz of the hormonal changes, which causes an increase in the production of plaque on our teeth. and bcuz plaque kite ni contains sulfur yg produce bacteria.. sbb tu la berbau... so, everyday n nite i will pastikn i tak miss to gargle listerine...
okey enuff la 5 changes kt muke... ni belum lagi tempat lain yg semuanya berubah,.. the backside of the neck and the underarm will bcome dark, as if ade daki2.. toxin org kate.. dun bother to scrub or anythng, takkn ilang until abes bersalin.. dgr2 cite org2 yg bpengalaman la... but i did, sbb geram sgt... lengan, peha, jari jemari tgn dan kaki, n of course the perut mengembang dgn jayenye.... and towards the end of pregnancy sakit belakang yg teramat sgt... oh n one more thing stretch marksss... skrg ni dh ade jugak at the lower side of my tummy... n still gagah menyapu the lóccitane supple oil yg huby beli... hm... lagi.. oh the endless toilet visits... smbil pejam mate kot masuk toilet...haha.. and the sleepless nights... pusing2 180 degree... just to get comfy and seram2 kot2 baby terpenyek.. hhaha.. pdhal doctor kate takyah risau pn about dat.. baby ade her own space inside the womb.. but still.. since she's getting bigger.. rase die macam sempit jer...
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 11:21 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Google Images
The Rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then, you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer. After that tag 12 people.

4. The favorite food: nasik lemak... ya tepat skali!
. .
5. The nickname I had: amal, smpai skrg pn. ahaha. artist arab ni name die amal hijazi. watevs!
6. The favorite colour: pink + white... auwww.. so sweet...

7. The city I live in (For now): if ikut alamat, kajang tp sbnanye bangi lagi dekat. haha. satay kajang byk r kuar image nyee... hm.. dh lame tak mkn sate... ;)


10. Bad habit: lazy to wake up in the morniineee!! heuheu. ni remedy nye... Wake-You-Up pillow! i wonder whether its gona work on me or not... ahuks!

12. Wishlist: a beautiful house, fully furnished w IKEA furnitures. :) nice one!

Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 2:06 PM 0 comments
~ tag
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dear Cfah
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 3:10 PM 4 comments
~ family
Monday, April 6, 2009
the sweetest hannan husna
Posted by Amalina Hanisah at 5:10 PM 5 comments