Friday, October 30, 2009


alamak. terlambat post la pulak entry ni. but takpe la, i post la jugak kn.
Actually this entry was created to wish my three and only beautiful baby sisters


CFAH, 2nd October, 23

JOY, 20th October, 21

NUHA, 16th October, 19

mereka bertiga adalah adik-adik yang lebih besar dari saya (in size).. tahniah adik2 ku sayang... kamu bertiga membesar dengan gain plus... :D ...dan kebetulan pula d 3 of them were born in October... pandai mama & baba estimate time so that boleh buat satu party skaligus in October... hehehe... save budget ma..

hadiah korang boleh claim once korg blk malaysia, well for now kami celebrate kan utk korang je.. ngeeeehehe

ni ada sikit lagu utk korang... Cfah, Joy and Nuha!

Always Sisters, Always Friends
Let's stay real close till the end
Forgiving each other, letting love cover
Always Sisters, Always friends
We have to live in harmony
Even though we may disagree
Fighting each other, is not the answer
But sharing the greatest gift
Let's be enriched with peace and love
Having compassion from above
Never forsaking just understanding
Ain't that what families are made of
Always Sisters, Always Friends
No matter what may come or go
We stick together and it shows
This bond between us
Foundation is trust
That's what true family is all about
We really gotta' learn to love each other
I need to stick real close by your side
There's no way that we can live without each other
So why do we try
Forever and always , I'm always gonna be with you
Forever and always, No matter what you're going through


Online Contest - Senyuman Ceria Si Comel

Tengah syok-syok merayau2 kt dunia cyber, terjumpa plak online contest yang sangat menarik...I LOIKE ganjarannya, maka saya pn create entry ini. So here goes;

Online contest ni dianjurkan oleh SMILEYKIDZ... sila klik di sini / gambar di bawah.

15 October - 31 October 2009 jam 11:59pm

Untuk memenangi contest ini, beberapa perkara perlu dilakukan, seperti berikut:

1. Saya telah menjadi follower SMILEYKIDZ.
2. Saya telah meng-add SMILEYKIDZ di bloglist saya.
3. Saya telah meletak banner contest ini di sidebar blog ini dan me-linkkannya.
4. Saya telah membuat entri untuk contest ini. (inilah dia... tengah buat)
5. Saya telah meng-upload gambar anak saya yang paling comel... sila lihat bawah... comel, bukan? :)

Nama: Puteri Zara Adeena

Umur: 5 bulan 21 hari

Gambar di atas telah di-shoot di sebuah taman di Precint14 Putrajaya. (penganjur tak suruh explain pun pasal gambar di atas, tapi saya saje saje je bagitau....)

sekian, terima kasih. :)



Hadiah yang ditawarkan adalah:

Pemenang Utama x 1 org:
Outdoor fotografi selama 1 jam
~unlimited shots~
~1 sticky album dengan 20kpg gambar terbaik~
Pemenang sampingan x 2 org:
Voucher fotografi SMILEYKIDZ bernilai RM50

So apa tunggu lagi???

Sertai online contest ini sekarang. :)

Online contest ini di buka dari tarikh:
15th Oktober 2009 - 31 Oktober 2009 jam 11.59mlm.

Terbuka kepada si comel berusia 1day - 4 thn sahaja.

Cara2 penyertaan?

1. Jadi Follower SMILEYKIDZ dan Add SMILEYKIDZ di dalam bloglist anda
2. Letak banner contest ini di sidebar blog anda dengan link ke entri ini
3. Buat entri mengenai Online Contest ~ Senyuman Ceria Si Comel ini di dalam blog anda
4. Kemudian, upload gambar si comel di dalam entry tersebut dengan senyuman yang paling ceria/happy/sweet. TETAPI hanya SATU (1) gambar terbaik akan di nilai.
5. Jangan lupa nyatakan nama si comel dan umurnya.
6. Dalam entri tersebut pastikan anda mention dan link ke SMILEYKIDZ .
7. AMARAN: no link back will be disqualified
8. Bila anda dah puas hati dengan entry tu, TINGGALKAN komen dan LINK entry tersebut di dalam ruang komen entry online contest ini.

Tetapi sebelum itu..sila baca syarat2 penyertaan di bawah:

Syarat-syarat Penyertaan dan disclaimer:
1. Terbuka kepada semua mommies/daddies yang mempunyai anak berusia 1hari - 4 tahun.
2. Anda boleh upload seberapa banyak gambar senyuman si comel TETAPI hanya SATU (1) gambar terbaik akan di adili.
3. Dalam gambar2 tersebut, mestilah gambar INDIVIDUAL. Kalau ada 2 orang dalam gambar itu, secara automatik gambar itu tidak akan di adili.
4. Kalau anda ada lebih dari seorang si comel, boleh upload gambar mereka tetapi MESTILAH gambar INDIVIDU tau!!
5. Entry anda HANYA akan di adili oleh SMILEYKIDZ.
6. Keputusan peraduan ini adalah MUKTAMAD.
7. Penyertaan dibuka dari 15th Oct 09-31th Oct 2009, jam 11.59pm.
8. SMILEYKIDZ akan memula sesi penilaian pada bila2 masa.
9. SMILEYKIDZ akan meninggalkan komen di dalam entri anda setelah diadili.
10. Sebarang pertukaran gambar selepas di adili tidak akan di ambil kira

Thursday, October 29, 2009

ayah saya kata

it was 5a.m. in the morning,
we were on the way sending baba to the airport...
it was very cold and everyone was soo sleepy...

until baba started a conversation...

he said that he'd sent us an email about happiness..
isi pentingnya is...

we always thought we will be happy when we achieve something like..
"i will be happy if i get married"
"i will be happy if i have my own children"
"i will be happy if my salary is rm20,000"
"i will be happy if i have a huge house"
and byk lagi.. i will be happy if.......

the thing is, we seldom appreciate on what is current....
we should enjoy and be happy along the journey...
the journey of life...
happiness is not found in the end... it's along the way....

bcuz God has made all the planningsss for us...
of course, we can plan too, and strive hard to materialize the plans..
but in the end... Allah knows best...
we pray to Allah that our plans lead to His.... because,
yes, Allah knows best!

Thanks baba, for a great reminder :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Kotex - Count the Panties Contest
mengarut tak??? sape rase mengarut, sila angkat tangan!
well for me, this is so mengarut..
n how can such contest be promoted on National TV??
in a muslim country???
pelik kan...
sama la macam quiz bukak bra kt facebook tu..
which amad (my 16 y.o. brother) happy gile n gedik gila nak buat..
tapi internet a bit hard to control...
bt national tv patutnye still boleh kawal, kn?
looking it on the surface, memang rasa biase je... n we can make fun of it..
but if we think, think, and think deeply...
macamana agaknya our future generation nanti???
and yes, we'll get so so so worried.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


teguran atau dlm english advice.. atau dlm bahasa pasar adalah "sound direct..." hee, yeke?
kenapa kita tegur orang? kenapa kita ditegur?
kita tegur orang, bila kita nmpk smethng yang tak kena...
kita ditegur, bila orang nmpk kita buat smethng yang tak kena...
it's a good thing... bile kita ditegur or kita menegur... maksudnye... situasi/unsur 'caring' tu ada kt situ... tak kesah la tegur apa sekali pn... btul tak??? tapi mmg dah pe'el manusia... ada yang tak boleh/sukar/lambat untuk terima teguran... y? usah ditanye... byk faktor2 yg menyumbang... samada cara teguran yg kite takleh terima, ataupn mmg sikap ego kite ke... tak pn mmg kite bebal sgt asek rase diri betul je, kn? kn?
as for myself, memang diakui... (depends on situation) bt selalunye lambat sket la nk digest/accept teguran orang... lagi2 dari org2 yg kita sayang... contohnya mama ke, baba ke, megat si suami ke... bcuz they are the people we hold close to our hearts kn.. so bile ditegur, lebih senang terase la... tapi lame2 baru terpk... betul jugak kn ape dia cakap tu... pastu slow2 kite berubah la... ade jugak yg belum berubah... but insyaAllah, God knows!
dats y, hubby always said, bile kite nk tegur org, kite jangan expect die nak berubah on the spot.... it takes time... lagi2 yg involve attitude manusia... like he's been doing that thing for ages, tetibe we came into his life, and say u shudnt do that.. mesti la susah kan for him to change immediately... mayb he realized that what he's doing is wrong... but to change, it may take weeks, months, or mayb years.. ape yg kite boleh buat is.... pray n pray n pray for him... ask Allah for His guidance... and semoga one day he will change... (isk, jangan salah paham.. hubby takde buat pape pn, this is just an example)... well ni selalunye berkisarkan attitude kannn...
but.. it makes me wonder... if say kite tegur pasal english grammar salah ke ape ke kannn... patutnye accept la kn... ye la, im not that good pn, tapi... i will say it if I noe it's wrong... CONTOHNYA.... bila ade orang yg kite rapat tulis or cakap "that's mean..." yang sepatutnye bermaksud... "maknanya..." i will say, "jangan marah tau i nak tegur sket... it shud be "that meanssss....." (mind you ni untuk orang yg btulbtulbtul rapat je... tak kesah la adik beradik ke, bestpren ke... if tak rapat cam klako la nak tegur camni, tapi boleh je if u hav d guts to do so, i takde, hehe)... so sape yg i tegur maksudnye very very special la... haha... mmg i am quite particular about this... very minor, but it has a totally different meaning... sometimes i do make mistakes too, so sila2 lah tegur... insyaAllah dlm bab2 belajar ni i hav no problem to accept... sbb ape ade hal.. lagi membaikkn diri kan bagus... kalau bab2 ni pn takleh terima... nmpk sgt bodoh sombong... penyakit bodoh sombong ini adalah sgt bahaye... mayb boleh elaborate panjang lebar tentang penyakit bodoh sombong ni one day! hee~
okey baiklah, sekian dari saya...
marilah sama2 memperbaiki diri kita...
mak saye kate... teguran yang jujur dan ikhlas adalah tanda kasih sayang!
selamat menegur dan ditegur!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fridayyy..... the Real Blues

ahh.. beratnye hati nak gerak kaki pg mandi to bersiap ke ofis today....
ini sumua gara2 deepavali... hubby cuti, and i am not!
haihhh nape la Johnson Pump tade Indian... huhuuu

tgk la ni.. wajah2 kesayangan saya yg happy di pagi jumaat....

heeee... hubby's having a good time at home layan dvd movies....
sambil bersuka ria dgn zara and hannan....

im soooooooooooo jealous... :P
okey dah 9:10am... dah lambat gilakkk!!! pergi keje dengan perasaan berat hati... see!!!

haha. okey la.
enjoy the weekend evryone!
*still byk openhouses... and kenduriss to attend.... :D*

Monday, October 12, 2009

Zara the Queen Bee

happy 5 months old zara sayang!!!

watch out people, she's about to conquer the world..
haha, gaya mcm zara is goin to open a clothing line soon je...

she's just acting like a queen bee in her new bumbo seat...
zara's 5months prezie from mom and dad.
i bet she likes it so much!

over-joyed zara... i love ur smile bayybehh!

1-2 pose!

mommy did a great job *singing do-a-dear-a-female-dear* to cheer her up for the photoshoot. weheee~

"i'm so ready to get skinny-dipped hereee mommy.. what r u waiting for???"
"no sayang... the water is too cold for you..."

info about bumbo seats, visit: here
okey toodles everyone!

Friday, October 9, 2009

where's my milk?

i meann, where is zara's milk???
it has been two days....
my expressed breast milk is sooooo little...
im so so freakin worried...
usually i managed to pump 5-6oz of breast milk per session...
now its only 2-3oz.... half of my normal milk supply..
what's happening???

have i been eating too little?
am i secretly stressed out?

i dunoo... mayb i am... God please help.
I wana feed my baby...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Being the nervous wreck I am....

Astaghfirullah al-'azim....
mengucap panjang i pagi tadi.....

this is what happened...
at 4am i woke up to BF zara.... dah quite some time zara tak bangun awal pg camni... these past 2 weeks she woke up at 6pm plus2 for her breakfast... best sgt bila die tido lena.. kite pn lena... tp malam tadi tak... i BF sambil baring... n then die terlena... i put her hampir ke tengah katil jugak... n then i terlena balik... (huby mmg lena la dr awal :p)...huby n I mmg tido half of the bed je last nite...


"gedebuk..........." we heard.....

and zara went "uwekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..."

"abg... zara jatuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i shouted.

I terus terlompat... panic... ya Allah.... terus angkat zara from the side of the katil... I cant even remember what was her position time jatuh bcuz it happened very fast... panic panic and panic...

she cried.. and after pujuk2... n breastfed her.. she stopped crying... i put her down... tgk her head, her tulang sume, gerak2 kn her tgn n kaki... (well actually i din noe wat to do)... then she smiled n giggled.... aikk?? pastu die tido balik... but b4 that die membebel bebel sorg2... pastu terlena....

aiyark!!! huby terus tgk kt internet what to do.... bcuz zara seems fine.. cume takut long term effect je... kate omputih dulu2 (myth)... tak elok terus tdokn baby once they had a serious fall.. takut coma... but sbnanye elok juga tdokn to calm her down n sooth her... what we did was... we tried to kejut2 her while she was sleeping.. if die respond, mksdnye she's okey.... n babycenter suggests to monitor the baby for 2 nights... tgk whether die respond tak bile kite kejut dia.... i was thinking of taking her to the paed.. bt since she's doing good... n nothing changed after d fall, i think monitor je la dulu. n we'll be going for her injection on saturday.. so boleh la check skali nti...

im sooo disappointed with myself. it was totally my fault... this is what happen when u r too sleepy... huhu. and yes, zara dah besar, n dah boleh gerak jauh2.. smpai kuar landasan... u r a big baby gal now zara...

moral of the story: jangan malas to put zara back on her babycot after nursing.... I WILL. I WILL.

zara's latest photos from mommy's handphone.

goin to huby's boss OH

acting like a BIG BOSS

nak bangun je tauuuu....