5 days ago, zara turned 7 months... she had a very bad fever on that day... so i sgt2 takde mood to post an entry about her... duk kt ofis pn tak senang duduk... hr tu temperature zara mmg naik turun naik turun... gune thermometer strip mothercare yg tak bape accurate tu... at one point dah cecah 40deg. the nex day zara demam, huby amek half day leave... me, on the other hand tak dpt nk cuti bcuz i hav urgent things to be settled at the office... (i mean wats more urgent than ur sick baby?) tp... tu la... life's like that.. sometimes dah memang tak boleh elak... and thank God hubby is willing to take leave... relieved jugak la... at least sum1 i trusted was thr to look after zara... on friday.. zara dah okey.. temperature normal... and die nmpk bertenaga sket... alhamdulillah...
so many things are goin on... hr tu i ckp nk beli smethng like a walker ke jumper ke for her... tapi tak sempat pg lagi.. now weekends mesti ade kenduri yg tahap jauh2 semua... tak sempat bershopping i k... wpn YES! huhu. weekend ni blk penang lagi insyaAllah, my cousin's wedding... as zara's 7months prezie... mommy n daddy tried to get her familiar w her loveyyy teddy. actually dah lame daddy belikn, before zara lahir lagi... die kate nk kasik hadiah kat zara.... nak jadikan teddy ni her favorite one.... so tido pn we let her hug the teddy... bt its still hard to tell whether she likes it or not... hehe :) sabar ye syg.... we'll find somethng for you... (oh my God, nk beli jumperoo... pleeeease! huhu)
okey my dear zara.... happy 7-months old.... mommy loves u!
oh ya, mommy ada buat zara's personal blog... tapi tatau nk letak ape kt situ.... tgu zara pndai type sendiri la k... you can type in your own blog... hehe... :)
happy 7 months old zarta dear.sayang dia...
happy 7 months pretty baby! get well soon.
happy 7 mnths old zara..
aunty luvss you!
senioritasara: thank u mama rafiq! rindula! huhu
LeaShmea: thnks mommy mia... :)
zezzatty: toce toce mama rayna... zara loves u too!!
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